Hair & Art Director: Danny Pato | Salon: D&M Hair Design | Photographer: Mara Sommer | Stylists: Danny Pato & Rachel Morton | Makeup Artist: Kiekie Stanners | Producer: Ryland Wood | Product Company: Davines | Models: Jenna Watermeyer, Lauren Keeline and Lydia Grace from Red11 Models, Bernie Anker and Ella Wong from Unique Model Management.
Hair & Art Director: @dannypatohair using @davinesofficial | Salon: @dandmhairdesign | Photographer: @marasommer | Stylists: Danny Pato & @racheljmorton | Makeup Artist: @kiekies__ | Producer: @rylandwood | Models: @jenna.watermeyer @laurenkeeline and @lydiaya from @red11models, @bernadetteanker and @ellaywong from @uniquemodelmanagement